About Me

Off to college at 17, working full time, going to school full time, trying to date, and figuring out just how to grow up without getting even crazier... One day at a time. What a blessed life!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

I was going to say something profound...

And then I forgot. 

I'm 18. I had a party on Saturday. It was good.
I sound like Brother Kemp's sentence combining exercises. 

I'm going to post pictures from my party. It ended up being very citrus-y, which was totally cute. 

I can't remember my password to my work Confirms account. It's very frustrating.

Back to school today. It was nice to have Monday off.

I love life!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

What Am I Doing?

I'm sitting in my Business Law and Ethics class. It's possibly one of my favorites. Definitely, actually. 

I skipped New Testament today... I'm feeling kinda guilty, but I had to write a book review and do my Law homework, because I did no homework over the weekend, and yesterday was Valentine's Day. 

That was stupid.

My Business Law professor is pretty cool too. He's a little monotone, but teaches well, I think. He uses a good combination of visual aid, textbook resources, student interaction, and lecturing. Yeah, it's a good thing, I think. 

I wish more teachers understood how to teach. sometimes it gets really boring.
That might just be because I'm tired. If I'm tired then I'm much more likely to fall asleep. 

I brought Rob flowers at work today.

I ate delicious fruit for lunch.

Valentine's Day is going to be Valentine's Week. 

So life is great though, I think. 

Monday, February 14, 2011

Yes, it's that time of year...

Everything is pink, and covered in sparkles.

The franticness of  night-before shopping for flowers and chocolates emanates from stores, all lit up with excitement.

Emotions run high, couples find themselves either totally compatible, or find their relationship in shambles. 

He didn't do this, he forgot that, she said this, she did that! Too often we forget the origin of this fabulous holiday. Things get lost in the glitter and the marketing, the shine, the sappy cards, and the focus on that "perfect man."

Just so you know, there's no such thing as a perfect man. 

Or a perfect woman.

But we can strive for perfection. If you really want to find the perfect mate, you must first make yourself all you can be. Then you'll find the person that best compliments that. 

I went up to Idaho this weekend--back home for my birthday and a baptism--and took my dear Mr. Rob with me. It was so very nice. On the way back home we listened to a talk, I'm not sure who by, but it was awesome; one part I really remember was when the speaker was telling a story about his sister and her boy. It went something like...
"My sister was dating this guy for a couple years. He got upset one day, and proceeded to call my mother, and talk to her. He told her everything that was wrong with my sister, listing them off one by one, telling my mom exactly where she fell short. When he was done, and was looking for advice, my mother, instead of ripping him apart or really railing him, she just said very calmly...

And here's the kicker...

"Well, John, you're asking for a nine or a ten, and only giving a three or a four."

It made me smile.

So when you're looking for that special someone, you should probably figure out what you're offering first, then find someone who best compliments (not completes!) that.

Personally, it's been a rough morning.
But I have a new phone, I have beautiful flowers on my desk, I have a good job, and I have a wonderful, imperfect man who loves me.

I love him.
Life is beautiful.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Up, up, and away!

In 18 hours I will be 18. 


I feel like the time has gone SO fast! 
I'm going to kind of miss telling people I'm 17 and in college... 18 isn't nearly as impressive.

I need to do homework now.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The grumblies in my tummy... they tell me I should eat.

I'm in a good mood. 

I think it may have to do with me getting more than 4 hours of sleep last night.  I slept from just after 12:30 to just before 7:30.

That's almost 7 hours.


Anyway. It really does make a difference.

Also: I stepped on the scale today, and I haven't lost any weight, but I haven't gained any either! My face feels really bright, and through default, I have a cute outfit on today too! My speech is coming along nicely, and I'm very excited to give it tonight. I drew a picture that is possibly one of my best faces ever. It's a big deal. I have an ensign in front of me, and I'm reading The Divine Gift of Gratitude by Thomas S. Monson, so maybe that's why I'm feeling so awfully blessed today.
(read it here )

I wrote a poem.

ah! I wish I could get rid of this curse.
I'm speaking in riddles, and speaking in verse.

The words fit together as often they should
but I'd like to forget, if only I could!

I'd like to get these rhymes out of my head
It's getting posted on facebook, I'm starting to get fed
Up with these limericks, this poem, this verse
and if I don't stop now it will end up much worse
than I ever imagined, I'm using these "Seussisms"
that so clearly exploit my odd choice of rhythms!

At this point now I'm tempted to pull out a pun,
but using a malapropism just wouldn't be fun,

I'm running out of things to put in my poem
That i didn't really want to write. I'm scraping the bottom
of this big, full barrel of poorly chosen words,
and I'm getting distracted, like south-flying birds
who decided they're much better than this
and probably realize that there's something amiss.
Those little birds who go someplace warm
would probably notice this poem lost all of it's charm.

I'm just rambling on now, it's getting much worse,
so I think I'll stop rhyming, and go practice, rehearse
for the speech that I'm supposed to be giving in public speaking today. It's not quite done yet, but hopefully it will be. It's supposed to be an inspirational one... I haven't gotten very far, and I've been at work for 3 hours already. How crazy is that?

For how little poetry I actually write, what I do write ... still ends up being terrible. But it makes me feel good about myself.
I like Creativity!

I just thought I'd share my good mood. Now, go be happy!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Another week.

I feel like being boring. I think all my creativity has been used up.

I'm almost done with homework due today.

I got 4 1/2 hours of sleep last night. that's not good. 

I think Jim was listening to moose calls earlier.

Don't ask me why...

Just another typical Tuesday.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Dear Time:

Where have you gone and disappeared to now? I need you! 

I haven't blogged in a while. And for good reason. I'm busy.

Time, Please come back soon.

