About Me

Off to college at 17, working full time, going to school full time, trying to date, and figuring out just how to grow up without getting even crazier... One day at a time. What a blessed life!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Laughs and Grumbles

I've been neglecting my blog.

But I've been doing lots of other stuff.

Every cloud has a silver lining.
The glass is always half something.
There must be opposition in all things.

I went to the acupuncturist yesterday. I like her a lot. At first she seemed really grumpy. Now I realize she's like me; sarcastic, witty, and a little subdued while being outspoken. How funny.

It hurt a lot this time for some reason, but my back feels much better.
Also, Rob worked out some knots in my back, and I am eternally grateful.

Yesterday was a lot of fun, a huge group from our school showed up at a movie together. 
We saw Tangled and I can honestly say it's in my top 3 movies. And I don't even know what the other two are!
But I didn't get any homework done. Which is usually how my weekend goes. 

Which is BAD.

but I did a lot yesterday during work. That's a good thing.

Victoria's coming this week!!!!
It'll keep me really busy, and that means I have to clean my room.
But Victoria's coming to visit!!

So it doesn't matter what happens in my life. There will always be good, and always be bad things. 
Choose to find the good in life. It's easier that way. Promise.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Box Making and Lessons in Gravity

Good morning! Happy Monday!

Whooo... Anybody have a rough night? 
I wish I had an extra day every week, just to sleep.

It's funny (in an interesting, not a 'haha' sort of way) how busy we've become as a nation. We have to be to work early, leave late, bring work home, go out with friends, run a million errands, and still make time for ourselves. 

Personally, I think it's silly.

I'm just really grateful for what I have. (legs, mornings, eyes, hair, a job, school, bagels)

Now, funny story: (in a haha way, this time)

I woke up at 7:37. Usually I'm out the door by 7:41... Today was no different! 
I'm pretty boss when it comes to up and out in record time.  But I was still rushed. That might have something to do with...

Before work today, I was coming down Rob's stairs, after dropping off his keys I had from last night. (I figured he'd need them today. Go figure...) So I dropped them in his mailbox and turned, hurrying to catch the train that takes me to work. My bag was slung over my shoulder, my kitten heels supporting my weight, the cool morning air swirling all around. I whirled around, took a step down the stairs, and SWOOSH! next thing I know I'm sitting on the concrete with my legs in strange directions. I remember my arms flailing and rolling down the stairs in a very flamboyant way, doing all I could to keep my skirt down to avoid flashing the entire neighborhood. I'm not sure how successful that part was. My orange (breakfast) was rolling away, but I couldn't stop to regain my orange or my composure. The train was coming closer! I hopped up, realizing my shin would be quite a work of art--the magenta scrapes dancing across the green-blue-purple bruise--by the end of the day. 
Gosh it'll hurt to shave. 
So I ran to the train, practically dove through the doors, and then just stood there for the whole six-minute ride feeling hopelessly judged. There I was: this awkward teenager, her hair a mess, smears of mud and grass down her legs, and I'm sure, looking totally flustered. I got into work, said Good Morning in my usual sing-song voice, and then... my day began.

So that was quite possibly the highlight of my day.I really wish there was a video camera. it was fantastic.

I should probably blog more often--I feel like my posts are long.

But some little blessings:
  • I did wake up at 7:37, instead of 7:45, or 8:11. Heavenly Father was watching over me.
  • I might be moving to an ADORABLE little apartment that's really close to work. 
  • I have a 97.5% in my Business Law class. (Some others, not quite that high, but I'm working on them)
  • Victoria's coming for spring break really, really soon! Hooray!
  • And March had been a monumental month so far. I'm on a journey of discovery, and I love it!

Learn from my example and keep your feet under you!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Today in History:

 March 3...

1791: Congress passed the first tax law

1875: The first indoor game of ice hockey was played

1887: Anne Sullivan began teaching Helen Keller. 
  (Anne brought Helen to a new understanding of life. Anne was quite literally her savior. The advancements that this duo made together have influenced people all over the world, and the pioneering of some of the techniques to communicate--although they're almost 125 years old--are still being used today!)

1931: The Star Spangled Banner was made our national Anthem

1945: Finland Declares war on Germany (WWII)

1991: Rodney G. King is brutally beaten by the L.A. Police after a high-speed chase.

2001: Akira Keller was Baptized. (it's a big deal.)

Any day in history is significant. We just need to find out how!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Happy March!

It's been a week since we last talked. 

I miss you.

Yes, you.

That's right. You. 

So since we last talked I've had some serious accomplishments. 
I went apartment shopping, I finished my crossword in under 10 minutes, I got an A on a test, I spent a weekend for me, found a fabulous dress, and come to know my Savior just a little bit better. 
And my heater's working again. 
It's been a good week. :)

So I still have a lot to do, a long way to go before I'm close to the woman I want to be, but I'm on my way.
I have a lot of potential, and now I'm using it. Now is the time to use that potential I've heard all about.

You'll hear a lot more about the adventures that I'm having in Salt Lake City.

I'm ready for March to be a new beginning, in the middle of a new beginning. My "new march resolutions," while being slightly unconventional, are making me realize that we need to set goals every day to become the best we can.

I made a choice. A choice to be better, a choice to work harder, live stronger, love more.

My journey is starting a new chapter, one of self-discovery, joy, learning, creativity, and most importantly, a chapter of love.

This is gonna be fun.