About Me

Off to college at 17, working full time, going to school full time, trying to date, and figuring out just how to grow up without getting even crazier... One day at a time. What a blessed life!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Epistle to the World

Dear World,

I have come to an understanding that you're in need of some very serious rehabilitation. You have some problems that are created exclusively by others, and I understand you can't take care of them by yourself. It seems overall you have depression, addictive qualities, physical ailments, financial problems, and constant power struggles. I have come to realize that your situation is one of immediate need, and that a cure must be found.

While your situation is most troubling, and I can understand your worry of getting through these issues, I can assure you, there is hope.

A generation of youth is rising to the occasion. We as human beings are understanding the necessity of fighting for what we believe is right. This generation is composed of those who have faced hardships many do not understand. Personal values have been attacked, and we have faced these same problems that you, World, are dealing with right now. We understand how to combat them, and we will. We understand how to bring you back to greatness, and we will! There are people throughout every land who have displayed heroic qualities by doing the things that others will not; by standing up for what they believe.

This is the time. Call your army by your side, World. Call them to stand and to fight. Now is the time that we must be those valiant and great ones, the ones that will change the world. We know what we can do. We will stand up and proclaim that we are prepared to be the hero that is needed so desperately. Stand up and proclaim that you are ready!

Remember, dear World, I love you. We have hopes and dreams that can only be attained if you remain intact. We, as powerful sons and daughters of a divine being, are here for you. Call us when you need us, I know I'll be there.

Love always,

Friday, May 20, 2011


So due to recent events, and stumbling upon the Blue Horses blog (click here) I feel like I really need to tell you how incredibly thankful I am for the blessings in my life.

There are times I love my job.

This past week has been one of those times. Thank heavens.

Granted, there have definitely been times that I get frustrated, but I just have to remember to keep chugging along. Then it gets better. 

I've been SO blessed in my life and I need to remember that.
I can look at cakes, do filing work, and listen to music all at the same time. 

It's a big blessing, especially when I'll need some extra time to do homework.
So ACAP is being good to me right now.

Vector isn't half bad either. It's a nice "come in when you have time or when I really need you" type of situation. Which I appreciate. And since I've found myself with more time after getting out of school the extra money isn't a bad deal at all. 

There are so very many things that I'm thankful for in my life. 
I'm thankful for the people that I know, the things that I have, my cute little apartment, the girls I live with, my family who loves me, good food to eat, the ability to read and write, warm clothes, green grass, pretty clouds, prayer, and the spirit. 

Overall, I really lucked out.

Friday, May 13, 2011

And We're Off!!

So the previous post was actually posted and written on Wednesday. I'm not posting twice in a day.

Anyway. I'm leaving for Boise today! My flight takes off in exactly two hours, and I am SO excited! 

There's going to be one heckuva party. 

Because I AM a party.

So I just thought I'd let you share in my joy. This is a big deal. I'll talk more about it later. :)

Au Revoir!

Two Months Later...

Hello! Good morning! 

I have a confession to make. 

I've been neglecting my blog.

But I suppose since there weren't any posts, that wasn't a very big secret.

It's been almost two months since I've written anything, and now I remember...
My blog isn't for you (although you're very welcome to accompany me on my journey), it's for me.

This is my story. Five lists of five things.

1. A few things you may not know about me:
1. I would prefer to wear a dress.
2. My favorite place is my someplace quiet, warm, and outside. I can think there.
3. I reeeeeally want to have a huge party.
    But a. I'm a poor college student, and b. I would have no place to have it. But when I do, you're all invited.
4. I recently discovered I LOVE poppies and peonies.
5. I think I want various shades and hues of purple at my wedding
     (disclaimer: I am NOT engaged, or even close! So no funny business, no rumors!)

2. Foods I don't like
1. Corn. (on the cob, creamed; gross! I do like cornbread though...)
2. Cherry-flavored anything. (I realized that as I was eating my yogurt this morning.)
3. Brussell Sprouts. (I just can't make them taste good. Trust me, I've tried.)
4. Hot dogs and Hamburgers. (I can't handle it. 1. what's in them, 2. it's so unethical!)
5. That's all I can think of for now.

3. Foods I do like
1. Everything else.

4. Things I'm blessed with
1. An awesome family!
2. Friends in politics.
3. A job I can blog during.
4. Her.
5. Learning new things, both at school and church.

5. Things I'm thankful for!
1. Rob got back from Houston last night. (longest five days of my life!) And he's bringing me lunch today.
2. I'm going to Boise this weekend. (on a jet plane!)
3. Adele, Lenka, Mika, Ingrid, and Kate. :) (such good music!)
4. It's almost summertime!! (I'm so ready for swimsuits, sundresses, hikes, and bonfires!)
5. My roommates cleaned  the kitchen. (It's a BIG deal!)
6. Little vacations
7. Beautiful shoes
8. Blue skies and sundresses
9. Homemade food.
10. Lacey and Mack (heaven knows they've been a huge blessing recently!)

A lot has happened since I posted last: I finished my first year of college (overall 3.95 GPA), got another part-time job, moved apartments (it's beautiful!), got roommates, and fell in love (again). It's been a crazy roller coaster, but the best experiences of my life. I'm so excited for what's next!



Something else I should mention, I'm thankful for YOU!!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Laughs and Grumbles

I've been neglecting my blog.

But I've been doing lots of other stuff.

Every cloud has a silver lining.
The glass is always half something.
There must be opposition in all things.

I went to the acupuncturist yesterday. I like her a lot. At first she seemed really grumpy. Now I realize she's like me; sarcastic, witty, and a little subdued while being outspoken. How funny.

It hurt a lot this time for some reason, but my back feels much better.
Also, Rob worked out some knots in my back, and I am eternally grateful.

Yesterday was a lot of fun, a huge group from our school showed up at a movie together. 
We saw Tangled and I can honestly say it's in my top 3 movies. And I don't even know what the other two are!
But I didn't get any homework done. Which is usually how my weekend goes. 

Which is BAD.

but I did a lot yesterday during work. That's a good thing.

Victoria's coming this week!!!!
It'll keep me really busy, and that means I have to clean my room.
But Victoria's coming to visit!!

So it doesn't matter what happens in my life. There will always be good, and always be bad things. 
Choose to find the good in life. It's easier that way. Promise.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Box Making and Lessons in Gravity

Good morning! Happy Monday!

Whooo... Anybody have a rough night? 
I wish I had an extra day every week, just to sleep.

It's funny (in an interesting, not a 'haha' sort of way) how busy we've become as a nation. We have to be to work early, leave late, bring work home, go out with friends, run a million errands, and still make time for ourselves. 

Personally, I think it's silly.

I'm just really grateful for what I have. (legs, mornings, eyes, hair, a job, school, bagels)

Now, funny story: (in a haha way, this time)

I woke up at 7:37. Usually I'm out the door by 7:41... Today was no different! 
I'm pretty boss when it comes to up and out in record time.  But I was still rushed. That might have something to do with...

Before work today, I was coming down Rob's stairs, after dropping off his keys I had from last night. (I figured he'd need them today. Go figure...) So I dropped them in his mailbox and turned, hurrying to catch the train that takes me to work. My bag was slung over my shoulder, my kitten heels supporting my weight, the cool morning air swirling all around. I whirled around, took a step down the stairs, and SWOOSH! next thing I know I'm sitting on the concrete with my legs in strange directions. I remember my arms flailing and rolling down the stairs in a very flamboyant way, doing all I could to keep my skirt down to avoid flashing the entire neighborhood. I'm not sure how successful that part was. My orange (breakfast) was rolling away, but I couldn't stop to regain my orange or my composure. The train was coming closer! I hopped up, realizing my shin would be quite a work of art--the magenta scrapes dancing across the green-blue-purple bruise--by the end of the day. 
Gosh it'll hurt to shave. 
So I ran to the train, practically dove through the doors, and then just stood there for the whole six-minute ride feeling hopelessly judged. There I was: this awkward teenager, her hair a mess, smears of mud and grass down her legs, and I'm sure, looking totally flustered. I got into work, said Good Morning in my usual sing-song voice, and then... my day began.

So that was quite possibly the highlight of my day.I really wish there was a video camera. it was fantastic.

I should probably blog more often--I feel like my posts are long.

But some little blessings:
  • I did wake up at 7:37, instead of 7:45, or 8:11. Heavenly Father was watching over me.
  • I might be moving to an ADORABLE little apartment that's really close to work. 
  • I have a 97.5% in my Business Law class. (Some others, not quite that high, but I'm working on them)
  • Victoria's coming for spring break really, really soon! Hooray!
  • And March had been a monumental month so far. I'm on a journey of discovery, and I love it!

Learn from my example and keep your feet under you!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Today in History:

 March 3...

1791: Congress passed the first tax law

1875: The first indoor game of ice hockey was played

1887: Anne Sullivan began teaching Helen Keller. 
  (Anne brought Helen to a new understanding of life. Anne was quite literally her savior. The advancements that this duo made together have influenced people all over the world, and the pioneering of some of the techniques to communicate--although they're almost 125 years old--are still being used today!)

1931: The Star Spangled Banner was made our national Anthem

1945: Finland Declares war on Germany (WWII)

1991: Rodney G. King is brutally beaten by the L.A. Police after a high-speed chase.

2001: Akira Keller was Baptized. (it's a big deal.)

Any day in history is significant. We just need to find out how!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Happy March!

It's been a week since we last talked. 

I miss you.

Yes, you.

That's right. You. 

So since we last talked I've had some serious accomplishments. 
I went apartment shopping, I finished my crossword in under 10 minutes, I got an A on a test, I spent a weekend for me, found a fabulous dress, and come to know my Savior just a little bit better. 
And my heater's working again. 
It's been a good week. :)

So I still have a lot to do, a long way to go before I'm close to the woman I want to be, but I'm on my way.
I have a lot of potential, and now I'm using it. Now is the time to use that potential I've heard all about.

You'll hear a lot more about the adventures that I'm having in Salt Lake City.

I'm ready for March to be a new beginning, in the middle of a new beginning. My "new march resolutions," while being slightly unconventional, are making me realize that we need to set goals every day to become the best we can.

I made a choice. A choice to be better, a choice to work harder, live stronger, love more.

My journey is starting a new chapter, one of self-discovery, joy, learning, creativity, and most importantly, a chapter of love.

This is gonna be fun.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

I was going to say something profound...

And then I forgot. 

I'm 18. I had a party on Saturday. It was good.
I sound like Brother Kemp's sentence combining exercises. 

I'm going to post pictures from my party. It ended up being very citrus-y, which was totally cute. 

I can't remember my password to my work Confirms account. It's very frustrating.

Back to school today. It was nice to have Monday off.

I love life!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

What Am I Doing?

I'm sitting in my Business Law and Ethics class. It's possibly one of my favorites. Definitely, actually. 

I skipped New Testament today... I'm feeling kinda guilty, but I had to write a book review and do my Law homework, because I did no homework over the weekend, and yesterday was Valentine's Day. 

That was stupid.

My Business Law professor is pretty cool too. He's a little monotone, but teaches well, I think. He uses a good combination of visual aid, textbook resources, student interaction, and lecturing. Yeah, it's a good thing, I think. 

I wish more teachers understood how to teach. sometimes it gets really boring.
That might just be because I'm tired. If I'm tired then I'm much more likely to fall asleep. 

I brought Rob flowers at work today.

I ate delicious fruit for lunch.

Valentine's Day is going to be Valentine's Week. 

So life is great though, I think. 

Monday, February 14, 2011

Yes, it's that time of year...

Everything is pink, and covered in sparkles.

The franticness of  night-before shopping for flowers and chocolates emanates from stores, all lit up with excitement.

Emotions run high, couples find themselves either totally compatible, or find their relationship in shambles. 

He didn't do this, he forgot that, she said this, she did that! Too often we forget the origin of this fabulous holiday. Things get lost in the glitter and the marketing, the shine, the sappy cards, and the focus on that "perfect man."

Just so you know, there's no such thing as a perfect man. 

Or a perfect woman.

But we can strive for perfection. If you really want to find the perfect mate, you must first make yourself all you can be. Then you'll find the person that best compliments that. 

I went up to Idaho this weekend--back home for my birthday and a baptism--and took my dear Mr. Rob with me. It was so very nice. On the way back home we listened to a talk, I'm not sure who by, but it was awesome; one part I really remember was when the speaker was telling a story about his sister and her boy. It went something like...
"My sister was dating this guy for a couple years. He got upset one day, and proceeded to call my mother, and talk to her. He told her everything that was wrong with my sister, listing them off one by one, telling my mom exactly where she fell short. When he was done, and was looking for advice, my mother, instead of ripping him apart or really railing him, she just said very calmly...

And here's the kicker...

"Well, John, you're asking for a nine or a ten, and only giving a three or a four."

It made me smile.

So when you're looking for that special someone, you should probably figure out what you're offering first, then find someone who best compliments (not completes!) that.

Personally, it's been a rough morning.
But I have a new phone, I have beautiful flowers on my desk, I have a good job, and I have a wonderful, imperfect man who loves me.

I love him.
Life is beautiful.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Up, up, and away!

In 18 hours I will be 18. 


I feel like the time has gone SO fast! 
I'm going to kind of miss telling people I'm 17 and in college... 18 isn't nearly as impressive.

I need to do homework now.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The grumblies in my tummy... they tell me I should eat.

I'm in a good mood. 

I think it may have to do with me getting more than 4 hours of sleep last night.  I slept from just after 12:30 to just before 7:30.

That's almost 7 hours.


Anyway. It really does make a difference.

Also: I stepped on the scale today, and I haven't lost any weight, but I haven't gained any either! My face feels really bright, and through default, I have a cute outfit on today too! My speech is coming along nicely, and I'm very excited to give it tonight. I drew a picture that is possibly one of my best faces ever. It's a big deal. I have an ensign in front of me, and I'm reading The Divine Gift of Gratitude by Thomas S. Monson, so maybe that's why I'm feeling so awfully blessed today.
(read it here )

I wrote a poem.

ah! I wish I could get rid of this curse.
I'm speaking in riddles, and speaking in verse.

The words fit together as often they should
but I'd like to forget, if only I could!

I'd like to get these rhymes out of my head
It's getting posted on facebook, I'm starting to get fed
Up with these limericks, this poem, this verse
and if I don't stop now it will end up much worse
than I ever imagined, I'm using these "Seussisms"
that so clearly exploit my odd choice of rhythms!

At this point now I'm tempted to pull out a pun,
but using a malapropism just wouldn't be fun,

I'm running out of things to put in my poem
That i didn't really want to write. I'm scraping the bottom
of this big, full barrel of poorly chosen words,
and I'm getting distracted, like south-flying birds
who decided they're much better than this
and probably realize that there's something amiss.
Those little birds who go someplace warm
would probably notice this poem lost all of it's charm.

I'm just rambling on now, it's getting much worse,
so I think I'll stop rhyming, and go practice, rehearse
for the speech that I'm supposed to be giving in public speaking today. It's not quite done yet, but hopefully it will be. It's supposed to be an inspirational one... I haven't gotten very far, and I've been at work for 3 hours already. How crazy is that?

For how little poetry I actually write, what I do write ... still ends up being terrible. But it makes me feel good about myself.
I like Creativity!

I just thought I'd share my good mood. Now, go be happy!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Another week.

I feel like being boring. I think all my creativity has been used up.

I'm almost done with homework due today.

I got 4 1/2 hours of sleep last night. that's not good. 

I think Jim was listening to moose calls earlier.

Don't ask me why...

Just another typical Tuesday.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Dear Time:

Where have you gone and disappeared to now? I need you! 

I haven't blogged in a while. And for good reason. I'm busy.

Time, Please come back soon.



Monday, January 31, 2011

The End of a Beginning

So it's the end of January; the beginning to my new year.

I'm feeling a little blue.
I'm awfully sore, tired, and a little run-down. I haven't been sleeping too terribly well. I need to clean my room, our dryer is broken, so laundry is a pain.
Not having a car sucks, because I can't really GET anywhere, unless I ask. It totally detracts from that whole independence thing.
I have too much homework to do, and not enough time to do anything. I want to eat well and cook for myself because I'm able to, I just can't because if I even leave one dish in the sink my sister freaks out and says I owe her money for it. she doesn't even wash it, I just have to pay her for her to look at it SIT THERE. 
Yeah, I know.
So I don't have a ton of time to cook AND clean up.

I really don't want to go to FHE tonight, it's a fireside with our bishopric. Waah.

Also, I think I'm getting sick, and my back hurts.

How. Awesome.

I'm not spread too thin, I can handle it usually, but last night I had a conversation (with my mother, of all people) that was the straw that broke this camel's back. Thank heavens for good friends who let you call them at 1 a.m. and talk for an hour and a half. Thanks Victoria!

I want to send myself flowers at work, just to make me feel more loved.

But I won't. That's lame.

On the bright side though!

It's payday. :) Pat is in the office, and Jim's back from Mexico! I get to talk to both Victoria and Kate later today, my homework is almost done (I just have an annotated bibliography that's... due tomorrow... that I haven't started. Eeep!), and Family Home Evening tonight--even though I really don't want to go--should be very helpful. I need the spirit. I am very blessed, and I'm very happy that I don't have school today.

The rest of my year won't be the same way as my beginning has ended.

Thursday, January 27, 2011


So, A few things that you didn’t know about me, and probably didn’t want to...

  • I’m supposed to be at work at 8:00, but I’m almost always here at 8:02 or 8:03 because otherwise I’d have to take the train that comes fifteen minutes earlier.
  • I’m often up and out the door within 20 minutes (this morning it was 15).
  • I bring my makeup and food to work, so I can sleep longer.
  • I currently have 3 pairs of shoes under my desk... One from yesterday and two from today.
  • I do my homework at work, and I’m perfectly content with doing so.
  • I really want a nap today, but will probably not get one.
  • Cheese is my favorite food.
  • I love discussing policies with others... I disagree with the views my bishop has about immigration.
  • I don’t call home as much as I’d like, and I miss my family SO much!
  • I need to do better with organizing my time.
I had the right to remain silent. I chose not to.
Please enter suggestions in the box below. Thank you for your time!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

I wish I was wittty

It's been a while since I've blogged. Truth. A whole week. I sit in front of a computer for at least 6 hours a day (it's for work!) and I don't even make time to blog... how terrible of me. 

Besides that. So I have homework I need to do... lots of it. Lets summarize, shall we?
  • an English essay: a 5-paragraph (not too bad) exploratory paper. I'm not sure of a subject even... yuck
  • reading for the same English class
  • reading for my New Testament class
  • reading for my Business Law and Ethics class
  • reading for my Managerial Accounting class
this is all supposed to be done by today when I go to class. Ask me if that's all gonna happen.

Really, ask me.


Yep, you guessed it. It's not.

I will probably skim the Accounting, and the English. Do a little research on the essay, and of course, really read the New Testament stuff. After I get off work I'll have from 2:20-3:20 to write my essay. So it should all work out. And I have plenty of time to read during work today, I just have to do it. 

One more thing; I have to present a poem tomorrow in my public speaking class. 

So... An Ode to Literary Masterpieces:

How Do I Love Thee?
How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.
I love thee to the depth and breadth and height
My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight
For the ends of Being and ideal Grace.
I love thee to the level of every day's
Most quiet need, by sun and candlelight.
I love thee freely, as men strive for Right;
I love thee purely, as they turn from Praise.
I love with a passion put to use
In my old griefs, and with my childhood's faith.
I love thee with a love I seemed to lose
With my lost saints, I love thee with the breath,
Smiles, tears, of all my life! and, if God choose,
I shall but love thee better after death. 
Elizabeth Barrett Browning,

And one of my very favorites;

I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings
A free bird leaps on the back
Of the wind and floats downstream
Till the current ends and dips his wing
In the orange suns rays
And dares to claim the sky.

But a BIRD that stalks down his narrow cage
Can seldom see through his bars of rage
His wings are clipped and his feet are tied
So he opens his throat to sing.

The caged bird sings with a fearful trill
Of things unknown but longed for still
And his tune is heard on the distant hill for
The caged bird sings of freedom.

The free bird thinks of another breeze
And the trade winds soft through
The sighing trees
And the fat worms waiting on a dawn-bright
Lawn and he names the sky his own.

But a caged BIRD stands on the grave of dreams
His shadow shouts on a nightmare scream
His wings are clipped and his feet are tied
So he opens his throat to sing.

The caged bird sings with
A fearful trill of things unknown
But longed for still and his
Tune is heard on the distant hill
For the caged bird sings of freedom. 
Maya Angelou

'Til we meet again.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The many moods of a day

So it's been a while since I've really posted. Currently 9:37 on a Tuesday morning, I feel awfully... complacent.
I suppose I feel like my creative side hasn't been nourished enough, which is a terrible shame. I don't really have a ton of time to feed that creativity though, so I've been doing it at work. I've been doodling a lot, and I found out it's a great outlet, even though I need to let go, and not make it perfect. (Pictures to come!)

Also, I have a lot of homework to be done. I went to Boise this weekend for a friend's friend's mission farewell. (yes, I know there are two "friend's" there. I didn't know Calvin, but a lot of my friends do. So I went with them.) This means I didn't get much homework done.
It was an awesome experience, then I went to visit the Senate, and visited the senators and people I met over there. I didn't get to see Senator Bair though, and there are some new senators I don't know! (Schroeder, Heinrich, Jorgenson, to name a few, have been replaced.) I got to talk with Helen. I love that lady. So much. I lived with her when I was paging for the senate. I decided that I'm pretty much in love with Government. I love seeing it in action. definitely my passion, as strange as that seems.

So that trip was good. I'm glad to be back though. I like Salt Lake a lot. And school is only scary when I don't do my homework. =P

So I'm going to eventually post pictures from my trip, as well as the doodles I've done recently. They're cool. :)

TTFN, TNTBG, DFTBA, and all that. 

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

So I was thinking...

I know it gets dangerous when I do, but I have been thinking. 

First of all, I don't have much time to blog, but I'm starting to enjoy it. 
Also, this line... "Here's lookin at you, kid." That's for Kate, since I know she's pretty much the only one who actually reads this...

This is my job: I walk into work, take a few phone calls, file some papers, eat, get on facebook, check my emails, blog (I love how this has now become a verb as well as a noun), then I print some papers, do homework, google (another noun that's become a verb) something random, buy something online, answer one or two more phone calls, and go home. And they pay me for it. It's a good job. 
You're jealous.

So I'm very excited for my classes, but they're not going to be easy. I'm also a little perturbed that the books I've ordered online aren't here yet, and I ordered them a whole week and a half ago. Yeah. Not happy, 'specially since one of them hasn't even shipped yet. But it should be okay.

I get to go run errands at our campus bookstore today too. Mmmmm! School supplies! My favorite!

So That's the story of my desk at ACAP. (which I found out just a couple of days ago stands for Alliance Capital. I was really excited.)

Bon Voyage!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

One more desk

Merry Day-Back-to-School!!!! 

Finally. It has now been almost one entire month since I last sat in a classroom for academic purposes. I'm pretty sure I've forgotten everything I've learned.  Or didn't learn, as the case probably may be...

Anyway, I'm taking:
  • New Testament (I was going to take Pearl of Great Price, but alas, schedules didn't allow)
  • Business Law & Ethics (I'm SO excited for this class!!!)
  • Managerial Accounting (Yep, this is gonna be good)
  • College English 201 (I hear it's a big workload, but I like English)
  • Accounting in Quickbooks (No homework, No textbook, No worries. Perfect!)
  • Public Speaking (how great is this class!)
So I'm reeeally excited about my classes. Also, it's time for me to get off work.
The end.

Friday, January 7, 2011

I like Space Heaters

Funny, because it's true. Both of the jobs I work at I have a space heater under my desk. They make my life much more pleasant. It's also really nice to be able to buy your textbooks online and not have to worry about paying a TON for them, when they're really only worth about $30 total. that's pretty close to what I paid for them. Today also, I realized just how thankful I am for salad. I like lettuce and fruit, and cheese, and when you put it all together, it's like magic. 

yep, that's right. 
Also, yesterday I found out that ACAP actually stands for Alliance Capital. In case you're wondering. So Alliance Capital Financial makes much more sense, for all you accountants (or accountants-in-training) out there.

I'm headed home soon. I'm tired. and I want a nap. I'm going to finish some laundry, and (hopefully) do some resting. Then out to dinner tonight with friends from Rexburg.
Also, I just ordered a Cheese and olive plate from the Bistro downstairs. yum.
Yep, this is gonna be good.

Bon Appetit!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Things I Love

I've really come to enjoy my work.
Today has been quite productive, lots of filing, paying bills, and getting things organized.

A couple (so, maybe more than a couple) of things that I love about my job:
  • Jim watches Westerns and the History channel during work every day. They keep things lively.
  • There's this delicious restaraunt downstairs. While I haven't actually eaten there yet, their menu sounds divine. (Tomato Basil Mozzarella Panini, Avocado & extra sharp cheese panini, Cheese & Olive Sampler Plate and Crostini with Sun-dried tomatoes & Goat Cheese? Yuuuuuhm.)
  • It's enough hours in the week that it will pay quite nicely, but they're early-morning to mid-afternoon, so my day isn't over by the time I get off work.
  • I have weekends off.
  • Every once in a while you'll hear rock music playing in the background. Yes, that's right.
  • Paid Time-Off
  • Calling the school's financial aid office during work so I can get everything worked out.
  • It's only a 15 minute commute instead of a half-an hour, and it's downtown.
  • Lots of shops nearby.
  • The people I work with. (Jim, Kirk, Gary, Rich, Pat, and Ridge are all very friendly)

The end.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The Boxes in my Head

As an explanation:
I've heard people say that there are differen't "boxes" in a person's mind. Each different box represents one thing that you could possibly focus on; a romantic relationship, schoolwork, dinner that night, etc. Supposedly girls can be in multiple "boxes" or focus on multiple things at once, while guys can only be in one, or think of one thing. I'm not sure how much I agree with that. I seem to only be able to manage one or two. Maybe I was supposed to be a boy? mmm.... no, that can't be right.

(box 1)
So, I started a new job Monday. I am now a secretary at ACAP Financial Inc. where I sit behind a desk all day and file papers and don't run errands, because I don't have a car. I'm pretty fond of it; it's easy work, but I don't know everythign I'm supposed to do, and I have to be here at 8 a.m. (that's not really that early, I just go to bed too late.)
More about that in later posts, I'm sure.

Now though, I have some things on my mind.

(box 2)
First, I'm thankful for a lot of things. Here's just a few:
  • Pain Medication (even though I don't take it almost ever, some days I just need it)
  • Family who's always there for me
  • Coloring books and crayons
  • Delicious food made from scratch.
  • Robert Owens (More about him later too, I promise)
  • The squishy thing in front of my keyboard so my wrists don't get sore from typing
  • Christmas in January
  • School's starting soon!
  • A job that I'm very lucky to have.

(box 3)
Also, Things I want to do today, or in the very near future:
  • Clean my room
  • Make fudge
  • Eat sushi
  • finish making some aprons
  • Draw a picture

(does this even count as a box?)
I don't know if I can ever see myself becoming a serious blogger, or even anybody funny enough for others to read (like cakewrecks), but I've decided it's nice to have an electronic "notebook" I can write my thoughts down in, even if other people can read it and decide to laugh at me. As long as they're laughing, it's all good

Oh, one more thing. It's a definite drawback that tone doesn't transfer over text...
I'm not as funny this way.