About Me

Off to college at 17, working full time, going to school full time, trying to date, and figuring out just how to grow up without getting even crazier... One day at a time. What a blessed life!

Friday, May 20, 2011


So due to recent events, and stumbling upon the Blue Horses blog (click here) I feel like I really need to tell you how incredibly thankful I am for the blessings in my life.

There are times I love my job.

This past week has been one of those times. Thank heavens.

Granted, there have definitely been times that I get frustrated, but I just have to remember to keep chugging along. Then it gets better. 

I've been SO blessed in my life and I need to remember that.
I can look at cakes, do filing work, and listen to music all at the same time. 

It's a big blessing, especially when I'll need some extra time to do homework.
So ACAP is being good to me right now.

Vector isn't half bad either. It's a nice "come in when you have time or when I really need you" type of situation. Which I appreciate. And since I've found myself with more time after getting out of school the extra money isn't a bad deal at all. 

There are so very many things that I'm thankful for in my life. 
I'm thankful for the people that I know, the things that I have, my cute little apartment, the girls I live with, my family who loves me, good food to eat, the ability to read and write, warm clothes, green grass, pretty clouds, prayer, and the spirit. 

Overall, I really lucked out.

Friday, May 13, 2011

And We're Off!!

So the previous post was actually posted and written on Wednesday. I'm not posting twice in a day.

Anyway. I'm leaving for Boise today! My flight takes off in exactly two hours, and I am SO excited! 

There's going to be one heckuva party. 

Because I AM a party.

So I just thought I'd let you share in my joy. This is a big deal. I'll talk more about it later. :)

Au Revoir!

Two Months Later...

Hello! Good morning! 

I have a confession to make. 

I've been neglecting my blog.

But I suppose since there weren't any posts, that wasn't a very big secret.

It's been almost two months since I've written anything, and now I remember...
My blog isn't for you (although you're very welcome to accompany me on my journey), it's for me.

This is my story. Five lists of five things.

1. A few things you may not know about me:
1. I would prefer to wear a dress.
2. My favorite place is my someplace quiet, warm, and outside. I can think there.
3. I reeeeeally want to have a huge party.
    But a. I'm a poor college student, and b. I would have no place to have it. But when I do, you're all invited.
4. I recently discovered I LOVE poppies and peonies.
5. I think I want various shades and hues of purple at my wedding
     (disclaimer: I am NOT engaged, or even close! So no funny business, no rumors!)

2. Foods I don't like
1. Corn. (on the cob, creamed; gross! I do like cornbread though...)
2. Cherry-flavored anything. (I realized that as I was eating my yogurt this morning.)
3. Brussell Sprouts. (I just can't make them taste good. Trust me, I've tried.)
4. Hot dogs and Hamburgers. (I can't handle it. 1. what's in them, 2. it's so unethical!)
5. That's all I can think of for now.

3. Foods I do like
1. Everything else.

4. Things I'm blessed with
1. An awesome family!
2. Friends in politics.
3. A job I can blog during.
4. Her.
5. Learning new things, both at school and church.

5. Things I'm thankful for!
1. Rob got back from Houston last night. (longest five days of my life!) And he's bringing me lunch today.
2. I'm going to Boise this weekend. (on a jet plane!)
3. Adele, Lenka, Mika, Ingrid, and Kate. :) (such good music!)
4. It's almost summertime!! (I'm so ready for swimsuits, sundresses, hikes, and bonfires!)
5. My roommates cleaned  the kitchen. (It's a BIG deal!)
6. Little vacations
7. Beautiful shoes
8. Blue skies and sundresses
9. Homemade food.
10. Lacey and Mack (heaven knows they've been a huge blessing recently!)

A lot has happened since I posted last: I finished my first year of college (overall 3.95 GPA), got another part-time job, moved apartments (it's beautiful!), got roommates, and fell in love (again). It's been a crazy roller coaster, but the best experiences of my life. I'm so excited for what's next!



Something else I should mention, I'm thankful for YOU!!