About Me

Off to college at 17, working full time, going to school full time, trying to date, and figuring out just how to grow up without getting even crazier... One day at a time. What a blessed life!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The grumblies in my tummy... they tell me I should eat.

I'm in a good mood. 

I think it may have to do with me getting more than 4 hours of sleep last night.  I slept from just after 12:30 to just before 7:30.

That's almost 7 hours.


Anyway. It really does make a difference.

Also: I stepped on the scale today, and I haven't lost any weight, but I haven't gained any either! My face feels really bright, and through default, I have a cute outfit on today too! My speech is coming along nicely, and I'm very excited to give it tonight. I drew a picture that is possibly one of my best faces ever. It's a big deal. I have an ensign in front of me, and I'm reading The Divine Gift of Gratitude by Thomas S. Monson, so maybe that's why I'm feeling so awfully blessed today.
(read it here )

I wrote a poem.

ah! I wish I could get rid of this curse.
I'm speaking in riddles, and speaking in verse.

The words fit together as often they should
but I'd like to forget, if only I could!

I'd like to get these rhymes out of my head
It's getting posted on facebook, I'm starting to get fed
Up with these limericks, this poem, this verse
and if I don't stop now it will end up much worse
than I ever imagined, I'm using these "Seussisms"
that so clearly exploit my odd choice of rhythms!

At this point now I'm tempted to pull out a pun,
but using a malapropism just wouldn't be fun,

I'm running out of things to put in my poem
That i didn't really want to write. I'm scraping the bottom
of this big, full barrel of poorly chosen words,
and I'm getting distracted, like south-flying birds
who decided they're much better than this
and probably realize that there's something amiss.
Those little birds who go someplace warm
would probably notice this poem lost all of it's charm.

I'm just rambling on now, it's getting much worse,
so I think I'll stop rhyming, and go practice, rehearse
for the speech that I'm supposed to be giving in public speaking today. It's not quite done yet, but hopefully it will be. It's supposed to be an inspirational one... I haven't gotten very far, and I've been at work for 3 hours already. How crazy is that?

For how little poetry I actually write, what I do write ... still ends up being terrible. But it makes me feel good about myself.
I like Creativity!

I just thought I'd share my good mood. Now, go be happy!

1 comment:

  1. 1. I'm so glad you are feeling wonderful.
    2. I'm wildly jealous of your poetic skills.
    3. I like you.
