About Me

Off to college at 17, working full time, going to school full time, trying to date, and figuring out just how to grow up without getting even crazier... One day at a time. What a blessed life!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Laughs and Grumbles

I've been neglecting my blog.

But I've been doing lots of other stuff.

Every cloud has a silver lining.
The glass is always half something.
There must be opposition in all things.

I went to the acupuncturist yesterday. I like her a lot. At first she seemed really grumpy. Now I realize she's like me; sarcastic, witty, and a little subdued while being outspoken. How funny.

It hurt a lot this time for some reason, but my back feels much better.
Also, Rob worked out some knots in my back, and I am eternally grateful.

Yesterday was a lot of fun, a huge group from our school showed up at a movie together. 
We saw Tangled and I can honestly say it's in my top 3 movies. And I don't even know what the other two are!
But I didn't get any homework done. Which is usually how my weekend goes. 

Which is BAD.

but I did a lot yesterday during work. That's a good thing.

Victoria's coming this week!!!!
It'll keep me really busy, and that means I have to clean my room.
But Victoria's coming to visit!!

So it doesn't matter what happens in my life. There will always be good, and always be bad things. 
Choose to find the good in life. It's easier that way. Promise.


  1. I can't decide if I should "aw" or roll my eyes at you two.... I think I'll go with the first. :)

    I'm glad you have a blog. I'm glad you're doing well. I'm glad we're friends. Call me sometime. I like you a lot.
