About Me

Off to college at 17, working full time, going to school full time, trying to date, and figuring out just how to grow up without getting even crazier... One day at a time. What a blessed life!

Monday, January 31, 2011

The End of a Beginning

So it's the end of January; the beginning to my new year.

I'm feeling a little blue.
I'm awfully sore, tired, and a little run-down. I haven't been sleeping too terribly well. I need to clean my room, our dryer is broken, so laundry is a pain.
Not having a car sucks, because I can't really GET anywhere, unless I ask. It totally detracts from that whole independence thing.
I have too much homework to do, and not enough time to do anything. I want to eat well and cook for myself because I'm able to, I just can't because if I even leave one dish in the sink my sister freaks out and says I owe her money for it. she doesn't even wash it, I just have to pay her for her to look at it SIT THERE. 
Yeah, I know.
So I don't have a ton of time to cook AND clean up.

I really don't want to go to FHE tonight, it's a fireside with our bishopric. Waah.

Also, I think I'm getting sick, and my back hurts.

How. Awesome.

I'm not spread too thin, I can handle it usually, but last night I had a conversation (with my mother, of all people) that was the straw that broke this camel's back. Thank heavens for good friends who let you call them at 1 a.m. and talk for an hour and a half. Thanks Victoria!

I want to send myself flowers at work, just to make me feel more loved.

But I won't. That's lame.

On the bright side though!

It's payday. :) Pat is in the office, and Jim's back from Mexico! I get to talk to both Victoria and Kate later today, my homework is almost done (I just have an annotated bibliography that's... due tomorrow... that I haven't started. Eeep!), and Family Home Evening tonight--even though I really don't want to go--should be very helpful. I need the spirit. I am very blessed, and I'm very happy that I don't have school today.

The rest of my year won't be the same way as my beginning has ended.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, Hun. That's rough. I'm here for you. You are amazing and inspiring. I don't know how you do it all. Call me anytime. I'll always call you back, even though I never actually answer my phone. Hugs.
