About Me

Off to college at 17, working full time, going to school full time, trying to date, and figuring out just how to grow up without getting even crazier... One day at a time. What a blessed life!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The many moods of a day

So it's been a while since I've really posted. Currently 9:37 on a Tuesday morning, I feel awfully... complacent.
I suppose I feel like my creative side hasn't been nourished enough, which is a terrible shame. I don't really have a ton of time to feed that creativity though, so I've been doing it at work. I've been doodling a lot, and I found out it's a great outlet, even though I need to let go, and not make it perfect. (Pictures to come!)

Also, I have a lot of homework to be done. I went to Boise this weekend for a friend's friend's mission farewell. (yes, I know there are two "friend's" there. I didn't know Calvin, but a lot of my friends do. So I went with them.) This means I didn't get much homework done.
It was an awesome experience, then I went to visit the Senate, and visited the senators and people I met over there. I didn't get to see Senator Bair though, and there are some new senators I don't know! (Schroeder, Heinrich, Jorgenson, to name a few, have been replaced.) I got to talk with Helen. I love that lady. So much. I lived with her when I was paging for the senate. I decided that I'm pretty much in love with Government. I love seeing it in action. definitely my passion, as strange as that seems.

So that trip was good. I'm glad to be back though. I like Salt Lake a lot. And school is only scary when I don't do my homework. =P

So I'm going to eventually post pictures from my trip, as well as the doodles I've done recently. They're cool. :)

TTFN, TNTBG, DFTBA, and all that. 

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